Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Classrooms Gone Viral

Not too long, Spencerblog argued that the future of education was in online courses over the Internet. They called Spencerblog a hater of public schools. They called Spencerblog a hater of smaller classrooms. They called Spencerblog crazy.

Well, check this out.
What’s it like taking a course with 120,000 other students? 
That is one of the questions raised this spring by the debut of MITx, the Institute’s new online educational initiative. The first offering — a course dubbed 6.002x, or “Circuits and Electronics” — is running from March 5 through June 8, modeled after one of the introductory courses taught in MIT’s Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS).
Here's one review from a student
Myriam Nonaka, an electrical engineering student at the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional in Buenos Aires, Argentina, finds 6.002x to be “very entertaining,” and singles out the course’s online discussion forum as a place “where you can share and learn.” Indeed, the forum, where students discuss the course and offer assistance to each other, is something that almost all MITx participants cite as a defining feature of the experience.
The future is now.


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