Friday, March 30, 2012

Liberal Vigilantes

Rosanne Barr: Against vigilantism before she was for it.

Meanwhile, Spike Lee also tweeted what he thought was George Zimmerman's home address to his followers so that one of them might... what? collect the $10,000 reward from the New Black Panthers for his "capture."

Turned out to be the wrong address. Lee called the elderly couple - who's actual address he tweeted to his minions - and apologized. They had to leave their home out of fear for their safety. The couple and Lee have reached a settlement. His apology was accepted along with a check to compensate them for their expenses in having to flee their home.


Blogger CharlieSix said...

Hey, yo. Even Oprah Herself recognizes Rosie is a has been, a past tense waste of humanity, by cancelling her show. Now Rosie has shown any potential future media outlets that she is lower than the lowest bucket of whaleshit that ever hit the deep blue sea. Go, Girl. Dig yourself into a deeper hole, if that's possible.

March 30, 2012 at 9:51 PM 

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